Mortgage Rates in Tennessee30-Year Fixed mortgage rates today with 0.000% point(s) in Tennessee are at 6.750%, 30-Year Fixed mortgage rates today with 0.000% point(s) in Tennessee are at 6.750%, Current Tennessee fixed rate mortgages for a 30-year Fixed mortgage are at 6.375% with 2.600% point(s). Tennessee Mortgage Rates:Search and compare mortgage rates and refinance rates in Tennessee. Our rate table has a list of Tennessee mortgage rates and mortgage refinance rates. You can also use our free mortgage calculator to calculate monthly mortgage payments. Compare mortgage and refinance rates in Tennessee. Save money by using our free tool to find customized mortgage and refinance rates for Tennessee (TN). Use our mortgage calculator to check how much monthly payments will be on your home loan. When you start your search for current mortgage rates in Tennessee you need to first have an understanding of the types of mortgages available and their corresponding interest rates. Tennessee 7/1 ARM mortgage rates are at 6.500% with 0.000% point(s), Adjustable rates on 5/5 Jumbo ARM loans in Tennessee with 0.250% point(s) are at 6.000%, Tennessee 7-Year ARM mortgage rates are at 6.000% with 0.000% point(s). Mortgage
30-Year Fixed Conforming
15-Year Fixed Conforming
30-Year Fixed Jumbo
15-Year Fixed Jumbo
5/6 ARM Conforming
5/6 ARM Jumbo
Types of rates available in Tennessee include conforming mortgage rates, super conforming rates, jumbo rates, adjustable rates, HELOC rates and home equity loan rates. There are variations of each type of mortgage available in Tennessee listed below. Mortgage Rates in Tennessee February 6, 2025Show More
The mortgage rates presented are solely intended for informational use. Please consult the mentioned lenders for up-to-date mortgage rates. The actual mortgage rates and other loan conditions depend on the lender's approval and are not guaranteed. Tennessee Lenders and Mortgage BrokersList your company here at no cost: Are you a lender or mortgage broker in Tennessee? Are you interested in having your company, contact information, website and logo listed here? Contact us at to find out how. Tennessee Real Estate AgentsList your contact information at no cost: Are you a real estate agent agent in Tennessee? You can list your company, contact information, website an logo here. Contact us to find out how. Tennessee Conforming Mortgage RatesConforming mortgage rates are rates on mortgages that meet the criteria set out by the Federal Housing Finance Agency. There are limits set for each county of Tennessee. There are higher mortgage loan limits for designated high-cost areas, like on the coasts and in large cities. Tennessee mortgages that “conform” to the standards set out by the Federal Housing Finance Agency can be purchased by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. This process guarantees banks are able to resell Tennessee mortgage loans that have been made. As a result, Tennessee mortgage rates today are lower than jumbo interest rates in $regionName. Conforming mortgages and jumbo mortgages are available in terms of 40 years, 30 years, 25 years, 20 years, 15 years and 10 years. Tennessee Super Conforming Home Loan RatesSuper conforming mortgages in Tennessee are mortgages that have higher mortgage loan amounts but still “conform” to the standards set by the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Super conforming mortgages are available for the higher cost housing areas like the coasts and in large cities. Tennessee Jumbo Loan Interest RatesTennessee jumbo mortgage rates are rates for mortgage loans that have a dollar amount higher than conforming and super conforming loan amounts. Jumbo home loan rates in Tennessee are usually 0.75 basis points higher than conforming mortgage rates in Tennessee because there is no guarantee banks and credit unions can sell these mortgages after they make the loans. Tennessee Fixed Rate MortgagesFixed rate mortgages are the most common mortgage available in Tennessee. The mortgage rate and the monthly payment stay the same for the entire life of the mortgage loan. This makes fixed rate mortgages the most stable and predictable for mortgagees. Tennessee Adjustable Interest RatesTennessee adjustable mortgages have a fixed mortgage rate for a certain number of years and then the mortgage rate adjusts every year after the initial period. There are usually yearly caps and life time caps on how much the mortgage interest rate and fluctuate. Your monthly mortgage payment will be lower at first but can rise when mortgage rates rise. Adjustable mortgages are available in terms of 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years and 10 years. Tennessee Interest Only Home Mortgage RatesTennessee interest only mortgages are mortgages that the borrower pays only the interest on the principal balance or a set period of time. After the initial period the mortgagee pays both interest and principal. Interest only (IO) mortgages were popular during the housing boom. Tennessee FHA Mortgage Mortgage RatesBorrowers in Tennessee must meet certain requirements established by FHA to qualify for a mortgage insured by the FHA. FHA mortgage interest rates in Tennessee are usually lower than conforming mortgage interest rates because mortgage lenders bear less risk because FHA will pay the lender if a homeowner defaults on his or her mortgage loan. Cities in TennesseeAdamsAdamsvilleAftonAlamoAlcoaAlexandriaAllardtAllonsAllredAlpineAltamontAndersonvilleAntiochApisonArdmoreArlingtonArnold AFBArringtonArthurAshland CityAthensAtokaAtwoodAuburntownBakewellBath SpringsBaxterBean StationBeech BluffBeechgroveBeersheba SpringsBelfastBell BuckleBellsBelvidereBentonBethel SpringsBethpageBig RockBig SandyBirchwoodBlaineBloomington SpringsBlountvilleBluff CityBogotaBolivarBon AquaBradenBradfordBradyvilleBrentwoodBricevilleBrightonBristolBrownsvilleBrucetonBrunswickBrush CreekBuchananBuena VistaBuffalo ValleyBulls GapBumpus MillsBurlisonBurnsButlerBybeeByrdstownCalhounCamdenCampaignCarthageCaryvilleCastalian SpringsCedar GroveCedar HillCelinaCentervilleChapel HillChapmansboroCharlestonCharlotteChattanoogaChestnut MoundChewallaChristianaChuckeyChurch HillClairfieldClarkrangeClarksburgClarksvilleClevelandCliftonClintonCoalfieldCoalmontCokercreekCollege GroveCollegedaleColliervilleCollinwoodColumbiaComoConasaugaCookevilleCopperhillCordovaCornersvilleCorrytonCosbyCottage GroveCottontownCounceCovingtonCowanCrab OrchardCrawfordCrockett MillsCross PlainsCrossvilleCrumpCulleokaCumberland CityCumberland FurnaceCumberland GapCunninghamCypress InnDandridgeDardenDaytonDecaturDecaturvilleDecherdDeer LodgeDel RioDelanoDellroseDenmarkDicksonDixon SpringsDoverDowelltownDoyleDresdenDrummondsDuck RiverDucktownDuffDukedomDunlapDyerDyersburgEadsEaganEaglevilleEatonEidsonElginElizabethtonElktonEllendaleElmwoodEloraEnglewoodEnvilleErinErwinEstill SpringsEthridgeEtowahEvaEvensvilleFairviewFall BranchFarnerFayettevilleFingerFinleyFive PointsFlag PondFlintvilleFostervilleFrankewingFranklinFriendshipFriendsvilleFruitvaleGadsdenGainesboroGallatinGallawayGatesGatlinburgGeorgetownGermantownGibsonGladevilleGleasonGoodlettsvilleGoodspringGordonsvilleGrand JunctionGrandviewGranvilleGraysvilleGreenbackGreenbrierGreenevilleGreenfieldGrimsleyGruetli LaagerGuildGuysHallsHampshireHamptonHarrimanHarrisonHarrogateHartfordHartsvilleHeiskellHelenwoodHendersonHendersonvilleHenryHermitageHickmanHickory ValleyHickory WitheHilhamHillsboroHixsonHohenwaldHolladayHollow RockHornbeakHornsbyHumboldtHuntingdonHuntlandHuntsvilleHuronHurricane MillsIdlewildIndian MoundIron CityJacks CreekJacksboroJacksonJamestownJasperJefferson CityJellicoJoeltonJohnson CityJonesboroughKelsoKentonKingsportKingstonKingston SpringsKnoxvilleKodakKyles FordLa FolletteLa GrangeLa VergneLaconiaLafayetteLake CityLancasterLancingLascassasLaurel BloomeryLaviniaLawrenceburgLebanonLenoir CityLenoxLeomaLewisburgLexingtonLibertyLimestoneLindenLivingstonLobelvilleLone MountainLookout MountainLorettoLoudonLouisvilleLowlandLupton CityLurayLuttrellLuttsLylesLynchburgLynnvilleMaconMadisonMadisonvilleManchesterMansfieldMartinMaryvilleMascotMasonMaury CityMaynardvilleMcDonaldMcEwenMcKenzieMcLemoresvilleMcMinnvilleMedinaMedonMemphisMercerMichieMiddletonMidwayMilanMilledgevilleMilligan CollegeMillingtonMiltonMinor HillMistonMitchellvilleMohawkMonroeMonteagleMontereyMooresburgMorris ChapelMorrisonMorristownMoscowMosheimMossMount CarmelMount JulietMount PleasantMountain CityMountain HomeMulberryMunfordMurfreesboroNashvilleNew JohnsonvilleNew MarketNew TazewellNewbernNewcombNewportNiotaNolensvilleNoreneNormandyNorrisNunnellyOak RidgeOakdaleOakfieldOaklandObionOcoeeOld HickoryOldfortOlivehillOliver SpringsOneidaOnlyOoltewahOrlindaOzonePall MallPalmerPalmersvillePalmyraParisParrottsvilleParsonsPegramPelhamPetersburgPetrosPhiladelphiaPickwick DamPigeon ForgePikevillePiney FlatsPinsonPioneerPleasant HillPleasant ShadePleasant ViewPleasantvillePocahontasPortlandPowder SpringsPowellPowells CrossroadsPrimm SpringsProspectPrudenPulaskiPuryearQuebeckRamerReadyvilleReaganRed Boiling SpringsRelianceRicevilleRickmanRiddletonRidgelyRidgetopRivesRoan MountainRobbinsRock IslandRockfordRockvaleRockwoodRogersvilleRossvilleRugbyRussellvilleRutherfordRutledgeSaint AndrewsSaint BethlehemSaint JosephSale CreekSaltilloSamburgSanta FeSardisSaulsburySavannahScotts HillSelmerSequatchieSeviervilleSewaneeSeymourShady ValleySharonSharps ChapelShawaneeShelbyvilleSherwoodShilohSignal MountainSilertonSilver PointSlaydenSmarttSmithvilleSmyrnaSneedvilleSoddy DaisySomervilleSouth FultonSouth PittsburgSouthsideSpartaSpeedwellSpencerSpring CitySpring CreekSpring HillSpringfieldSpringvilleStantonStantonvilleStewartStrawberry PlainsSugar TreeSummertownSummitvilleSunbrightSurgoinsvilleSweetwaterTaftTalbottTallasseeTazewellTelfordTellico PlainsTen MileTennessee RidgeThompsons StationThorn HillTigrettTiptonTooneTownsendTracy CityTradeTrentonTrezevantTrimbleTroyTullahomaTurtletownUnicoiUnion CityUnionvilleVanleerViolaVonoreWallandWallingWartburgWartraceWashburnWataugaWatertownWatts Bar DamWaverlyWaynesboroWestmorelandWestpointWestportWhite BluffWhite HouseWhite PineWhites CreekWhitesburgWhitesideWhitevilleWhitleyvilleWhitwellWilderWildersvilleWilliamsportWillistonWinchesterWinfieldWinonaWoodburyWoodland MillsWoodlawnWynnburgYorkvilleYumaOther Mortgage Rate Deals
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