Mortgage Rates Down Slightly: 30 Year Mortgage Rates at 4.98%

Mortgage rates were down again in the latest mortgage survey. Conforming fixed mortgage rates and conforming adjustable mortgage rates were down in the Primary Mortgage Market Survey Released by Freddie Mac.

Current mortgage rates are expected to go higher this year so if you're thinking about buying a home or refinancing your mortgage, now is a good time.

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Fixed 30 year mortgage rates were down to 4.98 percent for the week ending January 28, 2010, down from the prior week's average mortgage rate of 4.99 percent. Mortgage discount points remained the same at 0.7 points.

Fixed 15 year mortgage interest rates are down to 4.39 percent this week, down from the previous week's average mortgage interest rate of 4.40 percent. Discount points remained the same at 0.6 points.

The average 5 year U.S. Treasury indexed adjustable mortgage rate  averaged 4.25 percent this week, down from last week's average home loan rate of 4.27 percent. Mortgage points averaged 0.6 mortgage points.

The average 1 year U.S. Treasury indexed adjustable mortgage rate averaged 4.29 percent this week, down from the prior week’s average home loan interest rate of 4.32 percent. Discount points averaged 0.5 points.

For a more extensive report on today’s mortgage interest rates, released its Weekly Mortgage Rate Report on Monday, which follows:

Current Mortgage Rates

Fixed conforming 30 year mortgage rates are at 5.04 percent this week, down from the prior week’s average home loan rate of 5.06 percent.

Conforming 15 year mortgage rates are at 4.40 percent this week, down from last week’s average home loan interest rate of  4.44 percent.

Jumbo Mortgage Rates

30-year jumbo mortgage rates are averaging 5.86% this week, up from the prior week’s average home loans rate of 5.72%.

15 year jumbo mortgage loans are averaging 5.24% this week, up from the prior week’s average home mortgage loan rate of 5.16%.

Adjustable Mortgage Rates

Conforming 1 year adjustable mortgage home loan rates are averaging 4.32% this week, down from the prior week when one year home loans were averaging 4.50%.

Conforming 3 year adjustable mortgage interest rates are averaging 4.52%, down from last week’s average loan rate of 4.53%.

Conforming 5 year adjustable mortgage rates are averaging 4.20% this week, up from the previous week’s average mortgage interest rate of 4.12%.

Conforming 7 year adjustable home loan rates are averaging 4.61%, up from last week’s average home loan rate of 4.56%.

Conforming 10-year mortgage rates are at 5.11%, a decrease from the previous week’s average interest mortgage rate of 5.18%.

Jumbo Adjustable Mortgage Rates

Jumbo 1 year jumbo adjustable mortgage rates are averaging 5.31% this week, down from the prior week’s average home mortgage loan rate of 5.48%.

Jumbo 3-year jumbo ARMs are averaging 5.32% this week, up from last week’s average adjustable interest loan rate of 5.27%.

The average 5 year jumbo ARM is at 4.99% this week, up from the prior week’s average interest mortgage rate 0f 4.89%.

7 year jumbo ARMs are averaging 5.37% this week, down from last week’s average loan mortgage rate of 5.43%.

The average 10 year jumbo is at 5.88%, down from the prior week’s average 10 year mortgage loan rate of 5.95%.

Conforming Interest Only Mortgage Rates

3 year interest only mortgage rates are averaging 4.65% this week, unchanged from last week’s average interest rate.

5 year interest only loans are averaging 4.31% this week, up from last week’s average five year interest only mortgage rate of 4.21%.

7 year IO home loan rates are averaging 4.81% this week, up from last week’s average interest rate of 4.76%.

Jumbo Interest Only Mortgage Rates

3 year jumbo interest only mortgages are averaging 5.52% this week, up from last week’s jumbo interest mortgage rate of 5.42%.

5 year jumbo IO loan rates are averaging 5.39%, up from the prior week’s average IO mortgage rate of 5.24%.

The average jumbo 7 year IO loan mortgage rate is at 5.76%, up from last week’s average jumbo rate of 5.73%.

Home Equity Loans

The average home equity loan rate was down this week over last. 10 year home equity loan rates decreased to 7.418% this week, down from last week’s average equity home loan rate of 7.424%. 15 year home equity rates decreased to 7.517%, down slightly from the prior week’s average equity loan rate of 7.520%.

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

Average home equity line of credit rates were down slightly this week over last. The average HELOC rate is at 4.906% this week, up slightly from last week’s average HELOC rate of 4.904%.

Searching for today’s home loan rates? The best mortgage rates including jumbo mortgage rates can be found in your state or zip code by using our bank mortgage rate tables.

Author: Brian McKay
January 29th, 2010

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