Current Mortgage Refinance Rates in CaliforniaMortgage rates have headed lower the past several weeks because of the European government debt crisis. Investors have been buying U.S. Treasuries, forcing Treasury yields lower. Since mortgage rates are tied to Treasury yields, mortgage rates have also been going down. 30 year mortgage rates hit a low of 4.78 percent yesterday but haveĀ gone back up to 4.85 percent this morning. Looking for mortgage rates and mortgage refinance rates? Use our mortgage tables at to find the lowest mortgage rates in your state. Unlike most websites, no personal information is needed to display a list of mortgage rates. Right now on our mortgage refinance rate tables for the state of California, is offering 30 year fixed refinance mortgage rates atĀ 4.375 percent with 2 mortgage discount points. is also offering one of the lowest 30 year fixed refinance mortgage rates on our rate table in California. Aimloan's current 30 year mortgage refinance rates are offered at 4.50 percent with only 0.684 mortgage discount points. Aimloan is also offering 3o year mortgage rates at 4.625 percent with zero mortgage discount points. Explore Other Bank Mortgage Rate Offers
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